Explore how we are shaping the Penn State Strategic Plan to chart a transformative future for our students and communities.
Our Motivation
The 2016-24 Strategic Plan has reached the end of its lifecycle. The effort, championed by many faculty, staff and students across our campuses and units, successfully guided our priorities and allowed the University to achieve significant milestones.
In 2022, revitalized efforts to create a renewed strategic plan for Penn State were ignited by President Neeli Bendapudi. In 2023, she outlined a new vision for the University defined by agility, purpose and opportunity, and her goals sparked a multi-year process to develop Penn State’s Strategic Plan.
As collaborations began for the strategic planning process, President Bendapudi’s priorities evolved into goals that will guide our community’s efforts.
Our Philosophy
The next strategic plan will reflect our commitment to the Penn State Values – integrity, respect, responsibility, discovery, excellence and community. Along with our mission, these values will be the driving motivation for every goal and objective we bring to life and represent why we are pursuing this strategic plan.
The how – our implementation plans and key performance indicators – will be guided by the principles of sustainability; efficiency; effectiveness; and diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.
Together, these concepts will be deeply embedded into every aspect of our Strategic Plan.
Our Process
We are pursuing a phased approach to develop and implement the strategic plan. Each phase in the five-phase approach is designed to build upon the previous one to enable the University to adapt to the changing needs of the Penn State community and the world at large.
In February 2023, President Neeli Bendapudi shared her vision for Penn State and her goals for the University. In the summer of 2023, Penn State initiated the new strategic planning process and workgroups were formed to begin the work of crafting the new institutional strategic plan. Phase one, which included agile information gathering and landscape evaluations, provided preliminary strategy frameworks to inform the future phases of strategic planning.
During phase two, small workgroups created draft objectives, measures, and strategies to propose ways to achieve the goals of the institutional plan. These draft proposals were shared with the University community in fall 2024 to garner feedback that will help shape the final draft of the institutional strategic plan. While the feedback surveys have closed, community members can still engage by sharing feedback and questions on the drafts proposals with Phase three — unit-level planning — will begin in spring 2025.
Phase 1 (complete): Benchmarking and exploring the current state of Penn State for each goal area through an agile information-gathering exercise;
Phase 2 (in progress): Appointing goal leads, developing the next institutional strategic plan; sharing draft plan with community for feedback;
Phase 3: Developing unit, college and campus plans that align with broad institutional plans;
Phase 4: Implementing institutional and unit plans; and
Phase 5: Continuously evaluating and recalibrating plans and efforts based on progress and outcomes.
When is the strategic plan expected to be completed?
We are aiming to finalize the institutional strategic planning process by the end of 2024, with unit-level planning and institutional implementation beginning in 2025.
However, our priority is to create a plan that truly reflects our University and defines a clear, transformative path for our community. This may mean adjusting timelines to ensure all the extensive and necessary work is done effectively and thoroughly.
Will the University provide guidance for unit-level planning?
Yes, the University will provide guides and resources to assist units in developing their own strategic plans and unit-level strategies that align with and support the institutional plan. More information will be shared as it becomes available.
How has the Penn State community been involved in shaping the strategic plan?
In 2023, the University launched the strategic planning process with strong community participation and representation. More than 80 members from across the University were selected to contribute their perspective within phase one.
The University sought broad engagement in phase two and beyond through:
- Targeted participation: Goal leads and co-leads connected with select community members to participate in discussions or contribute to committees.
- Broad participation: The Penn State community was invited to share their feedback on the draft institutional plan, including goals, objectives, metrics, in fall 2024.
By proactively recruiting broad participation, we aim to develop a strategic plan that reflects the strengths and aspirations of the entire Penn State community. More information on the Phase 2 committee participation can be found here.
How can I engage with the strategic planning process?
Faculty, staff and students can continue to share thoughts and questions by reaching out to contribute to the development of your college, campus or unit plan, please contact the unit’s executive.
Is my feedback anonymous?
Community members who provided their perspectives through the website were asked to share their association with the University (staff, faculty, student, alumni, etc.) and their unit. While not required, individuals were encouraged to share their names to enable the Office of Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research (OPAIR) to follow up with any questions.
How will my feedback be used?
With the close of the feedback forms, community members’ feedback will be analyzed and used to revise the draft plan. The finalized institutional plan is expected to be shared back with the community by early spring.
Who can I contact if I have additional thoughts to share?
To encourage participation and leverage expertise of those across the University that is directly relevant to each of the plan’s goal areas, the Office of Planning, Assessment and Institutional Research (OPAIR) will continue to engage the Penn State community. Penn Staters can continue to share questions and feedback at
How were these draft proposals created and who developed them?
Dedicated workgroups developed draft goals, objectives, metrics and strategies over the summer, which are now being presented for community input and review after a preliminary review from the Board of Trustees. In addition, during phase 2, goal leads and co-leads connected with select community members to participate in discussions or contribute to committees.
How does the strategic planning process intersect with other University initiatives, such as the road map and the Academic Portfolio and Program Review?
While the Penn State road map and Academic Portfolio and Program Review are distinct from the strategic plan, both efforts are aligned with the strategic plan’s focus on advancing the University’s mission and commitment to academic excellence and innovation. There will be strong collaboration between the efforts to Enhance Student Success and the APPR, specifically in how we align our educational offerings to provide transformative experiences for our students.
Why is the heath care and transforming internal operations goal being handled differently?
The goal to Transform Health Care through Academic and Clinic Synergy will be following a unique timeline and process led by Penn State Health and the College of Medicine. The community will be asked for feedback on this goal after a draft is completed. The goal group focused on optimizing internal operations will pursue a unique path to implementation. Each of the strategic plan goals will be supported by initiatives to Transform Internal Operations that help provide the necessary infrastructure and support to achieve Penn State’s objectives.
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